Absolute Beginner Course 絕對初班 (Part 21)

Part 1-20 反應熱烈,多謝支持!現正加開 Part 21!!
上網或在 IG 見到咁多跳舞片,心郁郁想學跳舞,但又擔心連初班都跟唔到?ABC 絕對初班就幫到你喇!
Absolute Beginners Course (ABC) 是針對沒有舞蹈底子的初學者而設,課程將由 2Live Dance Studio 人氣導師 AshleyHan 及 Janice 對 Jazz Funk 及 Hip-Hop 作基礎培訓,由基本技巧及身體協調為主,並增強學員自信心。
課程由 2021 年 6 月 5 日至 2021 年 8 月 21 日,共十二堂。名額有限,有興趣的同學請即到 2Live Dance Studio 報名。
時間:逢星期六下午 5:00-6:30
學費:港幣 $1,450(12堂)
(一)親臨 2Live Dance Studio;地址:香港北角渣華道 39 號 1 樓全層 (港鐵北角站 A1 出口)
(二)ATM 過數 (HANG SENG BANK: 390-511657-883, 將收據電郵至 info@2livedancestudio.com,並請列出所報讀課程。) 歡迎至電 8100-1112 或 Whatsapp 5989-1314 查詢。
星期一至五 2pm-10pm
星期六、日 11am-8pm
Overwhelming response from Parts 1-20! Part 21 is here NOW!!
Interested in internet or IG dance videos? Intended to try dancing without door? Afraid of too difficult for beginner classes? ABC is here! Absolute Beginner Class (ABC) is for those who are totally new to dance without basic! ABCers will be taught the Jazz Funk & Hip-Hop basics by AshleyHan & Janice, for the sake of basic technique, body coordination & self-confidence enhancement.
ABC will commence from 5th June, 2021 to 21st August, 2021 (12 lessons). Quotas are limited, act now to enroll at 2Live counter!
【Course Details】
Time: 5:00pm to 6:30pm, every Saturday
Fee: HK$1,450 (12 lessons)
Enjoy early bird 12% off enrollments by 25th May!
【Enquiry & Enrollment】
(1) Visit 2Live Dance Studio; address: 1/F, No. 39 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong (A1 exit to North Point MTR)
(2) ATM bank transfer (HANG SENG BANK: 390-511657-883) and email receipt to info@2livedancestudio.com with enrollment details
Call 8100-1112 or Whatsapp 5989-1314 for enquiry!
Opening hours:
Mon to Fri 2pm to 10pm
Sat to Sun 11am to 8pm