2Live Dance Studio 4 Year Anniversary Offers 四週年優惠

WOW!!!2Live Dance Studio 四歲了!今年我們攪攪新意思,為大家誠意送上一連串的週年優惠!於 2017 年 6 月 1 日至 14 日我們將送出不同禮物,並不定時於 2Live Instagram 以 Instagram Story 形式貼出簡單問題,最快答中問題(以 Instagram Message)的幸運兒將可獲得該日的禮物!週年禮物 Story 每天不定時發出,記住緊貼 2Live Dance Studio!
1. 每位學生最多可勝出三次(三天遊戲)。
2. 勝出者以收取 Instagram Message 時間為準。
3. 如有任何爭議 2Live Dance Studio 保留最終決定權。
WOW!!! 2Live Dance Studio is 4 years old and counting!! We present a series of anniversary gifts by a new interaction with our fans! From 1st June to 14th June a gift will be presented to our fans with an easy question posted in Instagram via 2Live Instagram Story. Lucky fans who could answer correctly in the shortest time (via Instagram Mesaage) could enjoy the gift presented on that day!! Anniversary Story may be posted unscheduled each day! Stay tuned to 2Live Dance Studio
1. Each student is eligible to a maximum of 3 wins (3 day games)
2. Winner is determined by the time when Instagram Message is received.
3. 2Live Dance Studio reserves the right to make final decisions.
優惠或受其他條款及細則約束,詳程請參閲 http://2live.dance。
Other terms & conditions may apply. Visit http://2live.dance for details.