2Live Collaboration Workshop

An exclusive Dance Workshop by 2Live Tutors is coming soon at 2Live Dance Studio!! WOW!!
Date: Every Saturday from 3th June to 24th June
Time: 8:30pm to 10:00
Venue: 2Live Dance Studio
Quota is limited, please call 8100-1112 for enrolment before it's full!!Come & join NOW!!
Fee: HK$460 (all classes) / HK$280 (any 2 classes) / HK$160 (any 1 class)
Early bird (enroll before 13/5) would be entitled an extra 10% off!!
2Live Dance Studio 獨家呈獻,為大家帶來由 2Live Tutors 泡製之 Collaboration Workshop 接受報名喇!
課程由 2017 年 6 月 3 日至 2017 年 6 月 24 日逢星期六晚 8:30 至 10:00,共四堂。
名額有限,有興趣的同學請即到 2Live Dance Studio 報名。
學費:港幣 $460 (整個課程) / $280 (任何兩堂) / $180 (任何單堂)
Early bird (5月13日前報名) 更可獲額外九折!